The type of dentist in Marsden Park you need will depend on your oral health condition and age. It is crucial to know the types of specialists and how each can help you based on your condition before choosing. 

The most common types you will find are general dentists, family dentists, cosmetic dentists, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, and specialty dentists. How can these specialists help you? Which of them is best to see for your specific oral health condition? 

This post looks at the different types of dentists in Marsden Park you can find and how each can help you.

General Dentist in Marsden Park

About 80% of dental practitioners work as general dentists. These are professionals dealing with overall oral hygiene and teeth health. They do not specialize in a specific area but offer services in restorative dentistry, which includes dental implants, inlays, bridges, dentures, bonding, and onlays. 

They also offer cavity filling and tooth decay treatments, dental x-rays, dental exams and teeth cleanings, wisdom teeth removal, cosmetic dentistry, fluoride treatment, and simple tooth extractions.

dentist marsden park

Cosmetic Dentist in Marsden Park

These professionals perform procedures to improve patients’ self-confidence and smile. A cosmetic dentist in Marsden Park is a general dentist who went through additional training after completing dental school. While cosmetic dentistry is not new, aesthetic treatments are gaining more popularity in the world. 

Common procedures performed by these professionals include veneers, braces, teeth whitening treatment, and gingivectomy (gum contouring). It is worth mentioning that braces are not only for cosmetics. They also offer numerous benefits, including fixing crooked teeth and jaw misalignment.


This dentist in Marsden Park deals with the treatment of the periodontium, which includes the soft tissues supporting the teeth in the lower and upper jawbones (the mandibular and maxillary). 

These professionals focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases affecting the supporting teeth structures. They also specialize in the aesthetic, function, and overall health of tissue structure.

Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeons

An oral surgeon is a dentist in Marsden Park who specializes in the treatment of the functional and aesthetic features of the maxillofacial and oral region. These professionals perform oral surgeries on conditions caused by accidental injury, deformities, trauma, disease, dental caries, tooth loss, and periodontal issues.


A prosthodontist diagnoses and restores damaged or missing oral tissues to their proper function. These dentists specialize in dental restorations from conditions such as missing teeth, damaged teeth, and decayed teeth.


These are professionals specializing in teeth straightening and malocclusion. Malocclusions can cause improper bites, including under-bite and over-bite. Orthodontics offers treatment for the realignments of teeth and individual bite corrections. 

A dentist in Marsden Park working as an Ordrhodontic provides treatments, such as palate expanders, retainers, space maintainers, braces, and clear aligners.


An Endodontist deals with periradicular tissues and dental pulp. Periradicular tissues are the tissues, blood vessels, and nerves around a tooth’s root. Endodontists are highly trained professionals who perform root canals and surgeries for the treatment of dental pulp diseases. 

While general dentists carry out two root canals weekly, Endodontists can perform up to twenty-five procedures on average in a week.

Pediatric Dentists

A pediatric dentist handles the oral health conditions of children and infants. They also treat young people with mental or physical challenges. These specialists offer comprehensive preventive therapies and dental treatments, such as fluoride treatments and tooth sealants.


When it comes to choosing a dentist in Marsden Park, the first thing is to determine your specific oral health condition. With this, you will know if you need to see a general dentist, periodontist, cosmetic dentist, orthodontist, endodontist, pedodontist, prosthodontist, or oral surgeon.